Our Loyalty Program offers exclusive savings for our valued customers. Earning Loyalty Points is easy and membership is free! Simply register for an account here! Every purchase you make when signed into your account will earn you points and prompt an email alert with your point balance.
Earn Loyalty Points on Purchases
Get +2 points for every $1 you spend at Austin Bazaar and redeem points for store credit!
- $5 Discount - 500 Loyalty Points
- $10 Discount - 1000 Loyalty Points
- $25 Discount - 2500 Loyalty Points
Points are redeemed as coupon codes¹ which can be applied to future purchases. Loyalty coupon codes cannot be combined with other coupons or special offers.
Sign-Up Offer - Earn +400 Points Today!
Get 400 points just for signing up for a store account!
¹To redeem your points, simply chat with us down below or email us at customerservice@austinbazaar.com.
Need help? email: customerservice@austinbazaar.com or call: 800-511-1322